DNC Plan to Rig the 2024 Election Part 1 Rigging Delegate Selection

During the 2016 Presidential Election cycle, as a leader of the Washington State Progressive Caucus (the largest caucus in the Washington State Democratic Party), I saw first hand how the corrupt leaders of the Democratic Party – also known as the DNC - rigged the election against Bernie Sanders.

After meeting with and listening to literally hundreds of Bernie supporters in Washington state – nearly all of whom were Independent voters – I wrote a series of articles warning Democratic party leaders that ignoring these Independent voters and rigging the Nomination process against Bernie Sanders would offend many of these Independent voters and lead to the election of Donald Trump.

Sadly, my warnings were ignored. It was not Russian interference that led to the election of Donald Trump. It was entirely the fault of the corrupt leaders of the Democratic Party who rigged the 2016 Democratic Party primaries and delegate selection process against Bernie – a crime against Bernie Sanders Independent voters. DNC blatantly rigging the 2016 Delegate Selection process led directly to the election of Donald Trump.

Sadly, the leaders of the Democratic Party learned nothing from the 2016 Disaster. Instead they have spent the past several months attacking Kennedy and changing the delegate selection rules to further rig the delegate selection process. But attacking Kennedy and rigging the delegate selection process against Kennedy will simply lead to yet another Republican party victory in the 2024 Presidential election.

In this report, we will briefly explain why listening to Independent voters is the key to winning any election. We will then expose the Democratic Party National Committee (aka DNC) plan to rig the 2024 Democratic Presidential Nomination process.


1 Why ignoring Independent Voters is political suicide
A Gallup poll in March, 2023 found 49% of voters identified as Independent while only 25% identified as Republicans and 25% identified as Democrats.



Assuming that there will be 160 million voters in the 2024 election, then there will be 40 million who will vote for the Democratic candidate and 40 million who will vote for the Republican candidate. This leaves about 80 million independent voters who will decide the next President. Ignoring and or offending nearly 50% of the voters during an election year is political suicide.

So what do Independent voters think about Joe Biden? Biden support from independents has dropped by more than 20 percentage points since 2021 from a high of about 50% in 2021 to a low of about 30% today:


Several 2023 polls found that Independent voters now oppose Biden by about a two to one margin. A Harris poll from April 19 found that Biden had the approval of 38 percent of independents and disapproval of 58 percent. In a CBS News poll from April 24, Biden's approval among independent voters was just 32 percent, while 68 percent disapproved of Biden. Independent voters blame Biden for a failing economy.

By comparison, Kennedy is well liked by Independent Voters.
A June 2023 poll from YouGov showed Kennedy was viewed favorably by 41 percent of Independent voters and unfavorably by 19 percent, giving him the net favorability of 22 percent – higher than any other candidate.



In the same poll, Biden and Trump each had the second-highest percentage of Independents viewing them favorably, with 44 percent. But Biden had 53 percent unfavorable rating for a minus-9 net rating, while Trump had 54 percent unfavorable for a minus-10 net rating. In a follow up poll at the end of June, 2023 Kennedy has 45% favorable to 20% unfavorable for a net rating of plus 25%.

This is similar to the polling in 2015 and 2016 where Bernie Sanders had much higher favorability ratings with Independent Voters that Hillary Clinton. Yet as with the 2016 election, the corrupt leaders of the Democratic Party are once again ignoring these Independent Voters. However, this time, the Delegate Selection rules in many states have been recently changed to disenfranchise millions of Independent Voters and thereby make it even harder for a “Reform” candidate such as Kennedy to win the nomination.

2 Schedule of Democratic Party Primaries
Before explaining this convoluted rigging process, we will briefly summarize how the delegate selection process is supposed to work. From February to July, 2024, primaries and caucuses in all 50 states are supposed to be used to select 3,774 delegates to the Democratic Party National Convention. For Kennedy to win the Democratic Party nomination, he would need nearly 2,000 delegates at the National Convention in Chicago from August 19 to August 22, 2024.

Although there is doubt about the order of early Democratic Party primaries, we will assume that the schedule used in the 2020 primaries and caucuses will be used in 2024 with the exception of moving up South Carolina to the first week in February. . This places the Iowa Caucuses on February 6 with the New Hampshire and South Caroline primaries on February 3. Biden stated he will not appear on the Iowa or New Hampshire ballots if these states hold elections before South Carolina. It is therefore possible that Kennedy could win both the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary.

Early voting for the Washington primary will begin about February 21. Voting in the Colorado mail in primary will begin about February 24. Super Tuesday Primaries on March 5 include Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Maine, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont and Virginia.

Second Tuesday will be March 12 with primary results for Idaho, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota and Washington. Third Tuesday will be March 19 with Arizona, Florida and Illinois. The Georgia primary will be the end of March and Louisiana, Wyoming. Wisconsin and Alaska the beginning of April with Ohio and Kansas later in April.

May primaries include Hawaii, Nebraska and Oregon. Early June primaries should include Indiana, Maryland, Montana, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and South Dakota. Late June primaries include Georgia, West Virginia, New York and Kentucky while July includes Connecticut, Delaware and New Jersey.

Closed versus Open Primaries
Eighteen states have closed primaries which only allow “registered party members” to vote. Independents must register with the Democratic Party well in advance of the primary to vote in the Democratic Party Primary.

32 states have various forms of Open Primaries which allow Independents to vote in either the Republican or Democratic Party primary either by turning in a ballot for one of the two party primaries or by claiming to be a Democrat or Republican on the day of the Primary. In theory, the more open the primary is, the easier it is for Independent voters to influence the outcome of the primary. Sadly, we will see below that this is not really the case because quite often the delegate selection process is rigged.

Because Kennedy is most popular among Independent voters, one option is to focus on states that allow Independent voters to vote in the Democratic Primary. However, even in States which allow Independents to vote in the Democratic Primary, the corrupt leaders of the Democratic Party in many states have adopted new rules intended to ignore and even prohibit the participation of Independent voters by rigging the delegate selection process that comes after the primary.


The details of the rigging process varies from State to State. But the deck has already been stacked against Kennedy and his Independent supporters. Most disturbing is the fact that in many States, the rules from the 2020 Delegate Selection process have been recently changed to make it much more difficult for Kennedy to win the nomination.

3 State Primaries are only one step of the Delegate Selection process
State Primaries are only one step of the Delegate Selection process. Before the Primary even occurs, many states require Presidential candidates who want to appear on their State Primary ballot to jump through a series of hoops – meaning that at least in some States, Kennedy may not appear on the ballot even if he is doing well in the polls!

Then after the State Primary, there is typically a Congressional District caucus to select the actual delegates to the national convention. Even if Kennedy is on the ballot and even if he gets the majority of votes, the delegate selection rules in some states have recently been changed to make it impossible for pro-Kennedy delegates to be elected. It is in the Congressional District caucuses and County conventions where most of the real rigging occurs. Once the delegates have been rigged at the local level, it is relatively easy to finish off the rigging at the State Conventions.

The most important DNC rigging step is brainwashing local Precinct Committee Officers (aka PCOs) into supporting corrupt incumbents by spoon feeding them lies and propaganda 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for many, many years. Here are the five steps of the DNC plan to rig the 2024 Delegate Selection process:


4 Letter Grades for each State
In the table at the end of this report, we describe the Delegate Selection process in each state and assign a letter grade to each state:

A Easy for Independent Voters to Participate in the Delegate Selection process and All Delegates are Pledged in accordance with the Primary vote (i.e., Eliminate Super Delegates). All State have huge numbers of super delegates to rig the election. So no state got a grade of A.

B Relatively Easy for Independent Voters to Participate in the Delegate Selection process for Congressional District Pledged Delegates.
12 States got a B: California, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia and Wyoming.

C Difficult for Independent Voters to Participate in the Delegate Selection process. One or more obstacles placed in the way.
16 States got a C: Alabama, Arkansas, Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina and South Dakota.

D Very Difficult for Independent Voters to Participate in the Delegate Selection Process
10 States got a D: Florida, Indiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Tennessee.

F Nearly Impossible for Independent Voters to Participate in the Delegate Selection Process.. Only Democratic Party Insiders will be allowed to vote on National Delegates.
5 States got an F: Arizona, Kansas, Maine, Washington and West Virginia.

X Did not post their State Plan on their website. It is therefore impossible to tell how difficult it will be for Independents to participate in their Delegate Selection process. 6 States got an X: Illinios, Kentucky, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont and Wisconsin.

F Minus 1 State got an F minus. Ohio not only failed to post their plan on their website, but they actually posted an endorsement of Biden in July 2023 seven months before any State primaries or caucuses have occurred!

The table of all 50 States is after the Washington State example.

5 Washington State Election Rigging Example
To see how the rules have been changed to rig the delegate selection process, we will compare the 2024 Washington State Democratic Party Presidential Delegate selection rules to the Washington State 2020 Rules.

Washington state is one of a few states that does not allow Party registration. As a result, Washington State has among the highest percentage of Independent voters in the nation. Washington state uses a simple open primary that allows Independent voters to vote for any candidate in either party. They do not need to register with a party to vote for one of that parties candidates. This is one of several reasons Bernie Sanders won a higher percentage of delegates in Washington state than in any other state in the nation in 2016.

Given Kennedy’s popularity among Independent voters, it is possible that Kennedy could win the Washington State Democratic Party primary by a margin of 60% to 40%. However, this does not mean that Kennedy will automatically get the majority of delegates in Washington State. Sadly, in March 2024, the Washington State Democratic Party changed the rules to rig the delegate selection process.

Please be patient because this is going to get a little complicated. The following is taken from the 51 page Washington State Delegate Selection plan which you can download from this link:


For their votes to be counted in the Primary, Washington, voters will have to select either a Democratic or Republican ballot. Both ballots will be mailed to every registered voter.

Washington has been allotted 110 delegates to the national convention. However, 19 of these delegates are unpledged Super Delegates who will almost certainly vote for the most corrupt candidate – either Biden or whoever replaces him. In addition, 11 “pledged” Party Leader & Elected Officials (PLEO) delegates will be elected at the state convention in June 2024. These are also highly likely to be pro-corruption delegates.

The remaining 80 delegates will be “pledged” to vote for candidates based on the result of the March 2024 Presidential Primary. However, only 60 delegates of the 80 pledged delegates will be allotted to the Congressional District caucuses with the remaining 20 being “at large” delegated elected at the State Convention in June 2024.

To receive delegates to the Democratic National Convention, Kennedy will have to get at least 15% of the vote in Washington state Democratic Party primary. However, even if Kennedy gets 60% of the vote, this does not mean he will get 60% of the 80 pledged delegates.

This is because the 60 Congressional District pledged delegates are awarded by the “weighted” percent of Democrats in each of our 10 Congressional Districts. So a Congressional District that has mainly Republicans (like the 4th Congressional Districts in Eastern Washington) will only get 3 delegates while the 7th Congressional District in Seattle (that is mainly Democrats) will get 10 pledged delegates.

Below is a table of the actual National Delegates allotted to each of our 10 Congressional Districts:

Congressional District

Allotted Pledged Delegates
























How the hidden “rigging” will be done in Washington state
The rigging will be done in a series of steps. First, as we describe in more detail below, new rules have been written to prevent Kennedy’s name from appearing on the Democratic Primary ballot. Second, even if Kennedy manages to get on the ballot, more rules have been written to prevent Pro-Kennedy delegates from being elected in Legislative District caucuses.

Third, additional rules have been written to prevent Pro-Kennedy delegates from being elected at Congressional District Caucuses. Fourth, additional rules have been written to prevent Pro-Kennedy Delegates from being elected at the State Convention.

To be clear, while it is claimed that the results of the Washington State Primary will be “binding”, and thus Kennedy should receive some delegates if he does well in the State Primary, the actual fine print rules have been written to insure that only Pro-corruption Party Loyalists (rather than Pro-Kennedy delegates) are selected as Kennedy Delegates to the national convention.

Here is a quote from page 9 of the 2020 Washington Delegate Selection Plan: “Attendance at the LD caucuses will be open to any voter residing in the LD willing to publicly identify as a Democrat.”

In plain English, any voter could attend the LD caucus and vote on the delegates who will eventually select their National Delegates. In 2016, hundreds of thousands of Independent Bernie Voters showed up at the LD caucuses resulting in Bernie getting 80% of the National Delegates from Washington state – the highest percent in the nation.

Here is the change in wording for the 2024 Washington State Delegate Selection Plan:

On Page 9 of the 2024 Delegate Selection process, it states: “Voting at LD caucuses will be limited to members of the LD organization who are members eligible to vote under LD bylaws and whose information is received by the State Party as of April 1, 2024... In the event that no information is received by the State Party by April 1 regarding Legislative District membership, the membership will be limited to the most recently duly elected and appointed PCOs.”

The purpose of this and other subtle rule changes described below is to prevent another “Walkout Meltdown” from occurring at the 2024 National Convention similar to the Walkout Meltdown that occurred at the 2016 National Convention.

After Wikileaks published DNC and Clinton emails confirming that the 2016 Democratic Primary had been rigged, the Washington State Bernie Delegation led hundreds of delegates to the walk out of the Democratic Party National Convention. One of the leaders was Richard May from Bellingham seen on the right below:


May said the fears of corruption within the Democratic party now seem real to many of the 1,800 Sanders delegates. Those delegates “are tired of taking one for the team…There were some shenanigans going on. … The reality is that this may be the last straw for a lot of voters.”

Here is a quote from another Washington Bernie Delegate: "We've had it, we've just had it!" said Pam Keeley, a Washington State Sanders delegate who was one of the organizers of the walkout. "We've had it with the hypocrisy, the lies, the being used for votes and campaign funds and then just being thrown out like garbage. The whole system is rigged. This is basically a peasant's uprising."

This public split in the Democratic Party at the 2016 National Convention was a major factor in the election of Donald Trump a few months later. Corrupt Democratic Party leaders learned from the 2016 disaster and changed the rules to prevent anyone other than party loyalists from attending the 2024 convention. They will do this by having Party Loyalists “pretend” to be Kennedy Delegates.

The rigged 2024 Delegate Selection Process in Washington State
The actual delegate selection process in 2024 (for determining who the delegates to the national convention will be) begins with rules limiting which names will actually appear on the Washington State Democratic Primary ballot. New rules have been written to make it more difficult for a reform candidate like Kennedy to get on the ballot.

On page 7 of the Delegate Selection Rules, it states: “A presidential candidate must have the Washington State Democratic Party chair submit to the secretary of state their name as one of the names to appear on the presidential primary preference ballot no later than sixty-three days (Tuesday, January 9, 2024) before the presidential primary… Presidential candidates, who are eligible by DNC rules to obtain delegates and who seek to participate in Washington’s presidential primary will be required to submit a petition for candidacy to the Chair of the State Democratic Party with 1,000 signatures of Washington State Voters who publicly declare themselves to be Democrats, and a $2,500 administrative services fee.”

Kennedy meets the current DNC rules because he has the support of more than 5% of all Democrats in national polls. However, the corrupt DNC reserves the right to change the rules at any time. Given the hostile attitude of the DNC to Kennedy, if they get worried that Kennedy supporters could disrupt the 2024 National Convention, the way Bernie supporters did in 2016, they could easily change the rules.

Even if the DNC does not change the rules, the signatures will be an additional barrier to appearing on the Washington state ballot. These forms will be available in September 2023. Getting 1000 signatures for the official corrupt candidate(s) will be no problem because the Washington State Democratic Party already has the email addresses and other contact information for more than 2000 Democratic Precinct Committee Officers in our 49 Legislative Districts.

However, we as Kennedy Democrats will need to build our own independent network in order to get the needed number of signatures before January 9 2024 so that Kennedy is assured a spot on the ballot in Washington state in 2024.

In addition, we will need to go to LD meetings and be “appointed” as Precinct Committee Officers to be eligible to vote in the 2024 LD caucuses (see Step 2 below). This is why we need to build independent Kennedy Networks and start holding weekly national and state meetings as soon as possible.

Even if Kennedy gets on the ballot in Washington state, the delegate selection process will still be rigged
The second step in the Delegate Selection process is the Legislative District caucuses held on Saturday April 6 2024. These 49 Legislative District caucuses will be awarded delegates to the State Convention and Congressional District caucuses based on a weighted formula such that the total number of delegates is 980. In other words, there will be an average of 20 elected delegates per Legislative District.

In the past, attendees at each of these 49 Legislative District caucuses would be divided into two groups – one group for Kennedy and one group for Biden or whoever the corrupt candidate is. Each group would vote to send their allotted number of delegates to the State and Congressional District caucuses. For example, if Kennedy got 60% of the vote, he should get 60% of the 20 LD delegates or 12 delegates. However, due to the 2024 rule change, “Voting at LD caucuses will be limited to members of the LD organization or limited to the most recently duly elected and appointed PCOs.

Put in plain English, in the past, all attendees to the LD convention could vote regardless of whether or not they were an elected Precinct Committee Officer. Thus, in 2016, nearly all delegates elected to the Congressional Caucuses were actual Bernie supporters – rather than Clinton supporters pretending to be Bernie supporters.

However, in the 2024 LD caucuses, it will be up to the LD Chair (who oversees the elected and appointed PCOs) to decide who is allowed to vote. The LD Chair is likely a party loyalist and will thus use the above process to limit voting to existing Precinct Committee Officers – who are also typically long time party loyalists. This will make nearly impossible for any Kennedy supporters to be elected to the next level (assuming Kennedy was even on the ballot in Washington state).

On Page 10 of the Delegate Selection process, it states: “All members of a Legislative District organization will vote on all Legislative District level candidates within their Legislative District but will be required to vote in such a manner so as to maintain the presidential preference proportion of individual Congressional Districts.” In other words, there will be no splitting into a Pro-Reform group and a Pro-corruption group as in 2016. Instead, Precinct Committee Officers will vote for ANTI-Kennedy delegates to pretend to be Kennedy delegates!

Here is the old way of choosing LD delegates to the CD caucus:


At the 2016 Congressional Caucuses, the 100 CD delegates from 5 Legislative Districts would meet. This was 75 Bernie Delegates and 25 Clinton delegates. Assuming the Congressional District was allotted 8 delegates to the National Convention, the 75 Bernie Congressional District delegates voted on 6 Bernie National delegates and the 25 Congressional district Clinton delegates votes on 2 National delegates.

Most important, the 6 Bernie delegates from each of the 10 CD caucuses did not have to be party insiders. They simply needed to be strong Bernie supporters.

Here is the new 2024 rigged way of choosing LD delegates to the CD caucus:

The Precinct Level voting will simply be eliminated. The only votes allowed will be the party insider 50 PCOs in the Legislative District. These 50 PCOs will vote on 20 party insider PCOs to attend the Congressional District Caucuses.


With 5 Legislative Districts in each Congressional District, the new rules mean that 100 PCO party insiders – 20 from each legislative district - will meet at each of the Congressional District caucus to decide the 6 to 10 National Delegates from their Congressional District.

While Kennedy will be assigned National Delegates based on the percent of votes he got in the State Primary, the actually delegates will be entirely Party Insiders who are only pretending to be Kennedy supporters.

6 Understanding Precinct Level Politics
To understand how undemocratic this new delegate selection process is, we need to understand how precinct level politics works. Washington is an average size state with a population of about 8 million people. About half of these people are registered voters. So Washington has about 4 million registered voters. In the past, our registered voters were about 40% Democrats, 40% Republicans and 20% Independents. So there were about 1.6 million Democrats, 1.6 million Republicans and 800,000 Independent voters.

However, a March 2023 Gallup poll indicates that the two major political parties are so corrupt, that currently there are only 25% Democrats, 25% Republicans and 50% Independents. So now in Washington State, there are 1 million Democrats, 1 million Republicans and 2 million Independent voters. Thus, the new Democratic Party rules will ignore the wishes of 2 million Independent Washington voters.

Independent voters are important because they are the group where Robert Kennedy Jr is most popular. Independent voters are also important because they determine the outcome of all elections – not just the outcome of all Presidential elections, but also the outcome of all State elections and all Congressional elections. Depriving these two million people of a vote in the delegate selection process is extremely undemocratic.

But it gets much worse. Washington has 10 Congressional Districts. So there are about 400,000 registered voters in each Congressional District. This is 100,000 Democrats, 100,000 Republicans and 200,000 Independent voters. Each Congressional District has about 5 Legislative Districts. Each Legislative District has about 80,000 registered voters. This is 20,000 Democrats, 20,000 Republicans and 40,000 Independent Voters.

Each Legislative District has about 100 Precincts. So each Precinct has about 800 registered voters. This is 200 Democrats, 200 Republicans and 400 Independent voters. The Legislative District Caucuses, which are only held once every four years, are actually Precinct Level Caucuses because any registered voter in any precinct could attend a local LD caucus and meet with other registered voters in their precinct to vote for the Presidential candidate of their choice.

Democrats would go to their Precinct Caucus and Republicans would attend their precinct caucus. But crucially, Independent voters could attend either caucus. Thus, you could have as many as 600 registered voters at your precinct caucus. In fact, even though the Precinct caucuses are held for only two hours and only one day every four years and only involve driving or walking to your local elementary school, only a small number of highly motivated voters actually bothered to attend their precinct caucus. For example, in 2016, about 240,000 people attended the Democratic Party Legislative District Caucuses. This was about 24,000 people per Congressional district which divided by 5 was about 4,800 people per Legislative District caucus. Divide 4,800 by 100 and we see that only 48 citizens concerned about the future of our country attended and voted for a Presidential candidate in each Democratic Party Precinct level caucus.

In 2016, Bernie Sanders won 73% of these 48 votes. So at a typical precinct, Sanders got 36 voters and Clinton got 12 votes. Nearly all of the 36 voters in each precinct were Independent voters while nearly all of the 12 Clinton voters were wealthy Die-hard party loyalists who did not see any need to change the corrupt system they were profiting from. The Independent voters of Washington state were sending a message that they overwhelmingly preferred Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton. They wanted change – not the status quo.

Fast forward to 2024 and the new Delegate Selection rules from the corrupt DNC. Recall that each Legislative District has about 100 precincts. Thanks to the extreme corruption of the current Democratic Party, on average only 50 precincts even have an elected Democratic Party Precinct Committee Officer (aka PCO). Limiting the vote to only PCOs means that each PCO will replace the votes of two 2016 Precincts. In short, instead of 96 people voting in two precincts, as their was in 2016, there will only be one person voting in 2024.

Even worse, the one person allowed to vote (the PCO) does not in any way represent the 1,600 registered voters in these two precincts. Instead, the one PCO is highly likely to be the most brain washed die hard party loyalist in the two precincts – a person who is not even slightly aware of how corrupt the Democratic party has become and instead a person who blindly follows the wishes of the corrupt DNC.

There is a huge drawback in eliminating 99% of the voters from voting in the LD caucuses. Since normal citizens no longer have the right to vote at the LD caucuses, they will simply not attend. Historically, these local caucuses were used to gather email addresses of folks who wanted to support a particular candidate. By ignoring 99% of the voters, the Democratic Party is shooting themselves in the foot during the 2024 election year. This rigged process may prevent any Pro-Kennedy Delegates from being elected to the national convention. But it will also offend so many Independent voters that it will increase the chances of election the Republican Presidential candidate.

The third step in the Delegate Selection Rigging Process is the Congressional Caucuses
It should be clear by now that the DNC rigging in the 2024 election will be much worse than it was in 2016 or 2020. Sadly the DNC rigging of the 2024 Delegate Selection process is just getting started. This is because only 20 Legislative District Delegates will be allowed to attend their local Congressional District Caucus. Recall from above that in 2016, 4,800 voters attended each LD Precinct Level caucus (about 48 in each of about 100 precincts). Each precinct was allowed to elect on average 4 delegates. So the 36 Bernie supporters would vote for 3 Bernie delegates and the 12 Clinton supporters select 1 Clinton supporter for each precinct.

The result was about 400 delegates were selected at each LD Level caucus. These 400 elected delegates then met at a local high school gym. In 2016, the 300 Bernie Delegates voted for 15 Bernie Delegates to go to the Congressional District caucus and the 100 Clinton delegates voted for 5 Clinton delegates to go on to the Congressional District caucus.

At the 2016 Congressional Caucuses, the 100 CD delegates (20 each from 5 Legislative Districts) met. This was 75 Bernie Delegates and 25 Clinton delegates. Assuming the Congressional District was allotted 8 delegates to the National Convention, the 75 Bernie Congressional District delegates voted on 6 Bernie National delegates and the 25 Congressional district Clinton delegates votes on 2 National delegates. Most important, the 6 Bernie delegates from each of the 10 CD caucuses did not have to be party insiders. They simply needed to be strong Bernie supporters.

Fast forward to 2024 and the new rules mean a much different and extremely rigged national delegate selection process will occur. The Precinct Level voting will simply be eliminated. The only votes allowed will be the 50 PCOs in the Legislative District. These 50 PCOs will vote on 20 PCOs to attend the Congressional District Caucuses.

In theory, if Kennedy gets 60% of the Primary vote, there should be 12 Pro-Kennedy delegates from each Legislative District and 8 delegates representing the corrupt wing of the Democratic party. However, in reality, there will simply be 12 “pledged delegates” who will pledge to vote for Kennedy at the Congressional District caucuses as well as 8 pro-corruption PCOs who will pledge to vote for the corrupt candidate at the Congressional District caucus.

There will still be 100 delegates at the Congressional District caucuses just like in 2016. But none of them will be actual supporters of Kennedy. Instead, 60 will “pledged” to vote for National Delegates who will pledge to vote for Kennedy during the first round at the National Convention – but then vote for the corrupt candidate in the remaining rounds. Using the 7th Congressional District as an example, Kennedy would get 6 Fake National “pledged” Delegates while the corrupt candidate would get 4 National delegates.

The Fake Kennedy delegates will pledge to vote for Kennedy on the first round at the National Convention - and then vote for the corrupt candidate if needed in the second round. Most important, these fake delegates will not walk out of the Convention or challenge Convention rules.

The Washington State Congressional District caucuses will be held on Saturday May 18, 2024. If Kennedy gets 60% of the primary vote evenly across all Congressional Districts, he should get 36 real Pro-Kennedy delegates. In 2016, Pro-Bernie delegates dominated the LD and Congressional Caucuses. However, with the 2024 rule changes, since voting will be limited to existing Precinct Committee Officers, there may not be any actual pro-Kennedy Delegates at the Congressional District Caucuses. Therefore, ANTI-Kennedy Delegates pretending to be Pro-Kennedy delegates will be elected to fill all 36 Pro-Kennedy National Delegate slots.

The fourth step in the Delegate Selection Rigging Process is the State Convention
The Washington State will be held on Saturday June 22 2024 to certify the final selection of delegates to the National Convention. This will include the election of 20 At Large and Party Leader (PLEO) delegates. In the past, these At Large and PLEO delegates were selected by all delegates to the state convention. In 2016, because actual Bernie supporters dominated the State Convention, nearly all of these 20 At Large delegates were additional Bernie supporters.

However, for the 2024 State Convention, the rules have been changed to limit the voting on At Large and PLEO delegates to the 96 Legislative District State Central Committee members (two from each Legislative District). These Central Committee members are all DNC loyalists. So once again, ANTI-Kennedy Democrats will likely be elected to fill any Pro-Kennedy Delegate slots.

The end result of all of these rule changes and delegate selection rigging is that it will be unlikely that Kennedy will have any pro-Kennedy Delegates from Washington State even if he gets on the ballot and gets more than 60% of the vote in the primary.

The Fifth Step of the Rigged Delegate Selection Process: Brainwash Democratic Party PCOs
At this point, you may be wondering, why not just convince existing Democratic Party PCOs to support Kennedy. After all, polls clearly show that 10% to 20% of Democrats support Kennedy – and the majority of Democrats want to see someone other than Biden get the 2024 nomination. Surely at least some PCOS support Kennedy.

The problem with this assumption is that the DNC is at least two steps ahead of us. For many years, the DNC together with their accomplices in the corrupt corporate media have been brainwashing Democratic Party PCOs into believing that Robert Kennedy Jr. is an anti-VAX, pro-Putin, Baby-Killing racist. None of these things are true. But the truth does not matter to those running the DNC. All that matters is power.

I am a little more familiar than most with this brainwashing process because I am still on many Democratic Party leader email lists. I get a daily dose of anti-Kennedy emails. These emails are linked to DNC propaganda machines such as CNN (aka the CIA News Network), MSNBC (aka Russia, Russia Russia, Putin, Putin, Putin), the New York Times and the Washington Post.. There are hundreds if not thousands of Twitter Trolls and Facebook bots whose sole job is to mislead known Democrats and demonize Kennedy. Never under-estimate the Power of the Dark Side.

If you don’t believe me, just attend the next meeting of your local Democratic Party Legislative District. Ask for a show of hands of those who would be willing to publicly support Kennedy. Anyone with any concern for the truth either left the Democratic party or was drummed out of the Democratic party years ago.

Ask yourself this simple question: Can you recall any time during the past 50 years where either political party attacked a Presidential candidate as much as the DNC is currently attacking Kennedy?

I have studied the history of both the Republican and Democratic Parties. I have not found any time during the past 200 years where a Presidential candidate has been vilified as much as Kennedy.

This is not to say that there are not a few caring PCOs in the Democratic Party. It is just that publicly supporting Kennedy would be political suicide. The higher up one gets in the current version of the Democratic Party, the more corrupt they become.

We are better off building relationships with existing PCOs one at a time and outside of Democratic Party meetings. We also have a better chance of reforming the Democratic Party by building a parallel Kennedy Democrats Movement where we can meet with other caring people in our community who have been less subjected to DNC brain washing.

7 Washington State Republican Party Delegate Selection Plan

In this section, we will compare the Washington State Republican Party Delegate Selection plan to the Washington State Democratic Party Delegate Selection plan. You will quickly see that the Republican Party plan is much more “Democratic “than the Democratic Party plan.

While Republican Party delegate selection plans vary from State to State, the Washington State Republican Party delegate selection plan is very similar to how the Washington State Democratic Party delegate selection process used to work. I have posted a copy of the 2024 Washington State Republican Party Plan with the 46 Democratic Party Delegate Selection plan on our State Plans download page to make it easier for you to compare the two plans side by side.

First, it is important to understand that for their national convention, Republicans elect about half the number of National Delegates as the Democratic Party (2400 versus 4000). But Republicans also only allow a tiny number of automatic Super Delegates to their National Convention. In total, they only allow about 100 Super Delegates while the DNC allows more than a thousand automatic Super Delegates.

Turning to Washington State, Republicans elect 40 pledged National delegates and only 3 Super Delegates (compared to the Democratic Party 80 pledged delegates and nearly 30 corrupt Super Delegates). All 40 pledged National Delegates are elected at the Republican Party State Convention which will be held April 18 to 20, 2024.

The process for becoming a State or National Delegate in the Republican party begins by attending your local precinct caucus which will be held on January 13, 2024 in Washington state. This caucus will likely be held at a local elementary school where you will meet with other Republican and Independent voters in your local community. Anyone can optionally run to be an LD delegate to the Legislative District caucus (or to the County caucus in less populated counties). The Precincts are the same as the Precincts for the Democratic Party. Each precinct has about 800 registered voters with 200 being Republicans, 200 being Democrats and 400 being Independents.

Historically, only about 20 people show up for either the Republican Party or Democratic Party Local Precinct caucus. If this occurs at your local elementary school, you may see 200 people attending. But this is because there are about 10 Precincts (or 8000 registered voters) for every elementary school. At the Precinct caucus, you can run to be a delegate to the Legislative District Caucus. On average, each precinct will elect about 4 people to attend their LD caucus. So be prepared to explain to the other caucus attendees why they should elect you to attend the LD caucus.

As noted earlier, each LD has about 100 precincts. This will mean that there will be about 400 people at the LD Republican Party caucus. Each LD will elect about 40 to 50 of these people to represent the LD at the State Convention. Because there are 49 Legislative Districts in Washington State, this means that about 2500 people will be elected to attend the State Convention. If you get elected to the State Convention, you can then run to be one of 40 State Delegates to the National Convention. This means there will be about 4 people elected from each Congressional District.

In addition, the percentage of National Delegates representing each Presidential Candidate is determined by the Washington State Republican Party Primary which will be held on March 5, 2024. So for example, if Trump is running against DeSantis and Trump gets 75% of the vote, then 30 of the 40 National delegates would be pledged to Trump while the other 10 National Delegates would be pledged to DeSantis.

Here is a quote from the Washington State Republican Delegate Selection Plan: “It’s simple. Without having to pre-register, you can show up the day-of to participate at your local precinct caucus and have your name put up for nomination and selection as a delegate to the County Convention. Some of our county parties will make pre-registration forms available to ease the check-in process. If you are elected as a delegate to the County Convention, you will then follow a similar process of nomination and selection at the County Convention to be elected as a state delegate to the State Convention. The convention rules allow for roughly 2,500 state delegates to be elected from the county conventions. If you are elected to be a state delegate, you can also choose to run for national delegate during the State Convention and be elected as one of 43 delegates to represent Washington State at the Republican National Convention.”

8 How DNC Election Rigging will cripple the Democratic Party

Mahatma Gandhi once explained that “The first step in achieving justice is making injustice visible.”

Merely by running, Kennedy is exposing the injustice in the Democratic Party Nomination process. However, it is up to the rest of us to help expose the corruption in the delegate selection process at the local party level.

Imagine being one of about 2 million Independent voters in Washington State. In January 2024, you discover that you no longer have a vote at the Democratic Party Precinct Caucus – but you still have a vote at the Republican Party Precinct Caucus. Which caucus are you going to attend? You will either skip the precinct caucuses altogether or you will attend the precinct caucus of the party that still allows you to have a vote. The result will be 200 people at the local elementary school attending the Republican party caucus, but only 5 “official” Precinct Committee Officers attending the Democratic Party caucus – with 5 precincts not even having a PCO.

Even worse, imagine you are an Independent voter and assume that your local Democratic Party Precinct Caucus will be run the same way it has been run for the past 100 years. You show up for your Precinct Caucus only to be told that you no longer have a vote. Imagine how this will anger thousands of Independent voters – during a Presidential Election Year.

This insanity of only letting Democratic Party insiders vote at the Precinct and LD caucuses is going to turn many Independent voters against the Democratic Party. Meanwhile the local Republican Party will welcome them with open arms. This will not only reduce the chances of electing a Democratic President, it will also reduce the chances of electing a Democratic Governor and a Democratic State Legislature.

The fact that the Washington State Democratic Party has decided to essentially eliminate any chance for new blood to vote in their 2024 Legislative District caucuses is going to cripple the Washington State Democratic Party. There has already been a significant loss in Democratic Party PCOs after the Bernie disaster in 2016. This new rule is going to further reduce Democratic Party PCOs.

9 A Silver Lining to the DNC Election Rigging Cloud

DNC election rigging is likely to cripple the Democratic party in 2024. But it could be a blessing in disguise in the long term as it will be much easier for Kennedy Democrats to take over the Washington State Democratic Party in the future. The key thing to understand is that elections for local Democratic Party PCOs occur every other year. You can file to run in your Precinct in May 2024. Since half the precincts do not even have PCOs, if you file to run, it is likely that you will automatically win. If you win, you will become the official PCO for your Precinct and will have a vote at your Legislative District Reorganization meeting in January 2025.

How to reform the State Democratic Party at the next Reorganization Meeting
Because each legislative district only has about 50 elected PCOs, it would only take about 30 Kennedy Democrat PCOs to take over a Legislative District at the Legislative District Reorganization meeting in early January 2025. If we do not have these 30 PCOs at the 2025 Reorganization meeting, we simply keep organizing in our local community and encourage folks to run for PCO in May 2025 – who can then attend the 2027 January Reorganization meeting.

These 30 Kennedy Democrats can nominate and elect a Kennedy Democrat to become the Chair of the Legislative District. In addition, they can nominate and elected two Kennedy Democrats to represent their Legislative District at the State Democratic Party which is held later in January on odd numbered years.

If we take over 25 Legislative Districts in either January 2025 or January 2027, we could take over the Washington State Democratic Party by electing a Kennedy Democrat as the State Party chair and by electing Kennedy Democrats to serve on the State Party Rules Committee. We could then change the rules back to more Democratic and open rules for the 2028 Presidential election.

In addition, we could begin the process of replacing corrupt corporate Democrats in our State legislature with honest Kennedy Democrats.

But the immediate task is to help Pro-Kennedy supporters become much better informed about the Democratic party delegate selection process in their state.

We need to prepare at least some “brave” supporters to start attending monthly local Democratic Party meetings. This includes learning how to fill out the form needed to be “appointed” Precinct Committee Officer.

We also need to train Kennedy supporters on how to use the Democratic Party database, called Vote Builder, to reach out to other voters in their local community. Each Precinct Committee Officer will have access to Vote Builder for their precinct. If we elect a Kennedy Democrat to chair our local Legislative District, each Kennedy Democrat could be given access to Vote Builder for the entire Legislative District.

By now, it should become apparent that we can still reform the Democratic Party “from the bottom up” no matter how corrupt the current leaders of the Democratic Party are. But reforming the Democratic Party requires forming “Kennedy Democrat” groups of volunteers not only at the State level but also at the local level – in Congressional and Legislative Districts - in a manner similar to how the Democratic Party is organized.

To achieve this goal, we need to build real enduring relationships with other Kennedy supporters in our local communities. In short, we need to form 50 state networks and hundreds of local networks of Kennedy supporters.

In the next section, we will briefly outline this process.

10 Bottom Up Plan to Restore the Democratic Party

Having been the former Training Advisor of the King County Democrats and a former leader of Washington State Progressive Caucus as well as a leader of the 2016 Washington for Bernie Sanders campaign, I have written a detailed plan of how we can restore each State as well as the National Democratic Party from the Bottom Up – by building relationships with other Kennedy Democrats in our local communities. You can download and or read this “Bottom Up Plan to Restore the Democratic Party” at this link:


Basically, this plan involves starting a series of weekly online meetings, called “Sundays to Save Democracy” to help Pro-Kennedy volunteers build direct relationships with others in their own state. These meetings can start as national meetings and as they grow, we can divide these national meetings into regional meetings and or state meetings. Eventually, as we reach a critical mass, we can divide these Sundays to Save Democracy meetings into Congressional District and Legislative District meetings similar to the current structure of the Democratic Party.

In addition to weekly online meetings, we can build a series of state online social networks using a free locally controlled organizing tool called Freedica. Freedica is similar to Facebook and Twitter but without the data mining, Twitter trolls, Facebook bots, censorship and shadow banning. Most important, each Freedica network is under the control of your state and or local group of Kennedy Democrats rather than under the control of some billionaire. Here is a link to the Freedica website if you want to learn more about this important new social networking tool: https://freedica.org/

Together, these new and innovative technology tools can help us organize an enduring bottom up replacement to the current corrupt Democratic party. The new rigged rules of the Democratic Party Delegate Selection process are likely to backfire on the current leaders of the DNC. When the America people finally wake up, we need to be there to offer them a better option for a better future.

Here are the 12 Steps to reforming the Democratic Party:


Each step requires reaching a critical mass before adding the next step. For example, we will need at least 30 Kennedy Democrats consistently attending the National Weekly video conferences before adding the three Regional Weekly Video Conferences. We will need at least 30 Kennedy Democrats consistently attending the the Regional Video Conferences before adding the State Weekly Video Conferences. We will need at least 30 Kennedy Democrats consistently attending their State Weekly Video Conference before adding the Congressional District Video Conferences. We will need at least 30 Kennedy Democrats attending their Congressional District Video Conferences before adding Legislative District Video Conferences. We will need at least 30 Kennedy Democrats in a Legislative District to become PCOs in order to take over the Legislative District. We will need to take over at least 30 Legislative Districts in order to take over a State Party. We will need at least 30 States to take over the National Party.

11 Learn about the rigging process in your state

Each State Democratic Party is supposed to post the rules for their State’s Delegate Selection Process on their website. Sadly, five states have failed to even post there State plan. These states are Illinios, New York, Ohio, Vermont and Wisconsin. Other states have posted their rules on their website, but hidden their Delegate Selection plans behind a series of convoluted links making them hard to even find. Because these State plans are crucial in understanding how Delegates are selected in each State, I have summarized the plans in the following table. I have also created a web page where you can download the plan not only for your state but for all 46 states that posted their plans. This will allow you to compare your state with other states. Here is the link to download plans in all 46 States:


Table summarizing the Delegate Selection process for all 50 States


Total Delegates

CD Pledged

Plan Posted

Primary Date (Indies allowed)

Reg Days before

CD Selection Caucus
(who votes for delegates)






March 5 (open)


Two Part CD Primary
March 5 (all reg Dems)






March 5 (open)


Two Part CD Primary
March 5 (all reg Dems)






April 6


April 13 LD Caucuses
(all reg Dems)






March 19 (closed)


April 20 (PCOs ONLY)






March 5 (open)


April 21 (“eligible voters”)






March 5 (open)


March 8,9 (all reg Dems)






April 2


May 1 (all reg Dems)






April 2


February RD caucuses
(all reg Dems)






March 19 (closed)


April 20 not specified






March 12 (open)


April 6 (all claimed Dems)






April 6 (closed)


May 25 (all reg Dems)






May 25 Caucuses (open)


June 22 (elected county delegates)





No plan online






May 7


June 1 (state delegates)






Feb 3 (open)


March 23 (elected precinct delegates)






March 19 (closed)


April 20 (members of CD committee)





No plan online






March 23 (closed)


May 2 (all reg Dems)






March 5 (open)


Feb 3 candidates must be supported by 25 state delegates






May 14


Two Part CD Primary
(all reg Dems)






March 5 (closed)


April 27 (all reg Dems)






Feb 27 (yes)


May 11 (all reg Dems)






March 10 (yes)


May 30 (all claimed Dems)






March 5 (yes)


Feb 27 Precinct Caucuses (open to all)






March 12 (yes)


Plan can not be downloaded Feb 24 Precinct Caucuses Sworn Dems but no candidate preferences at Precinct Caucuses.






June 4 (closed)


June 8 (all reg Dems)






May 14 (open)


May 18 county conventions (unclear who can vote)






Feb 6


April 13 (all reg Dems)






Feb 5


January Pre-primary caucuses (all claimed Dems)






June 4


Two Part Delegate District Primary






June 4


June 8 County Conventions unclear who will vote






March 4 (open)


Feb 7 Precinct meetings
(all reg Dems)






April 6


Feb District Conventions
(all attending)





No plan online





No plan online and state party voted in July 2023 to endorse Biden!

F Minus





March 5 (closed)


April 6 (all reg Dems completing several tasks)






May 21


June 1, 2 (some reg Dems completing several tasks)






April 23



Date ? (some reg Dems completing several tasks)






April 28? (open)


Delegate selection process not clear






Feb 3 (open)


March County Conventions (some reg Dems - several tasks)






June 4


March 23 (all reg Dems)






March 5 (closed)


March 16 County Conventions (some reg Dems completing several tasks)






March 5 (open)


March 23 (all attending)






March 5 (open)


March (all attending)









March 5 (open)


April 20, 22 (all claimed Dems)






March 12 (open)


April 6 LD Caucuses (PCOs & Party Members only)






May 14 (open)


March 16 Caucuses
(PCOs & Party Members only)




No plan online






April 13 Caucuses (open)


The plan does not mention any Dem Reg requirement.


12 Please share this report!
Thanks for taking the time to read this report – and please share this report with anyone else you may know who is interested in helping end the corruption in the Democratic Party.

Here is a link to where concerned citizens can download this report:


Here is a link to where concerned citizens can read this report online.


As always, I look forward to your questions and comments. Feel free to email me using David Spring at Proton Mail dot com.


David Spring M. Ed.

Semi-retired Technology Instructor, Ferndale, Washington