DNC Plan to Rig the 2024 Election Part 1 Rigging Delegate Selection

During the 2016 Presidential Election cycle, as a leader of the Washington State Progressive Caucus (the largest caucus in the Washington State Democratic Party), I saw first hand how the corrupt leaders of the Democratic Party – also known as the DNC - rigged the election against Bernie Sanders.

After meeting with and listening to literally hundreds of Bernie supporters in Washington state – nearly all of whom were Independent voters – I wrote a series of articles warning Democratic party leaders that ignoring these Independent voters and rigging the Nomination process against Bernie Sanders would offend many of these Independent voters and lead to the election of Donald Trump.

Sadly, my warnings were ignored. It was not Russian interference that led to the election of Donald Trump. It was entirely the fault of the corrupt leaders of the Democratic Party who rigged the 2016 Democratic Party primaries and delegate selection process against Bernie – a crime against Bernie Sanders Independent voters. DNC blatantly rigging the 2016 Delegate Selection process led directly to the election of Donald Trump.

Sadly, the leaders of the Democratic Party learned nothing from the 2016 Disaster. Instead they have spent the past several months attacking Kennedy and changing the delegate selection rules to further rig the delegate selection process. But attacking Kennedy and rigging the delegate selection process against Kennedy will simply lead to yet another Republican party victory in the 2024 Presidential election.

In this report, we will briefly explain why listening to Independent voters is the key to winning any election. We will then expose the Democratic Party National Committee (aka DNC) plan to rig the 2024 Democratic Presidential Nomination process.


1 Why ignoring Independent Voters is political suicide
A Gallup poll in March, 2023 found 49% of voters identified as Independent while only 25% identified as Republicans and 25% identified as Democrats.



Assuming that there will be 160 million voters in the 2024 election, then there will be 40 million who will vote for the Democratic candidate and 40 million who will vote for the Republican candidate. This leaves about 80 million independent voters who will decide the next President. Ignoring and or offending nearly 50% of the voters during an election year is political suicide.

DNC Plan to Rig the 2024 Election Part 2 Rigging the Primary Calendar

David Spring M. Ed.

Note: The opinions expressed in this article are my own and do not represent the opinion of any political candidate. But I am hoping someone will do something  to stop the DNC from completely rigging the 2024 election.

In Exposing the DNC Plan to Rig the 2024 Election, Part 1, I exposed the Democratic National Committee (DNC) plan to rig the 2024 election by changing the rules to prevent even declared Democrats from participating in the the Delegate Selection process.

In this article, we will addressing the DNC plan to rig the 2024 election. The DNC blackmailed New Hampshire and Iowa into complying with DNC Primary Calendar changes.

The DNC has also threatened to blacklist Robert Kennedy Jr. for failing to comply with their new Primary Calendar rigging and having the audacity to give speeches in both Iowa and New Hampshire.


The real problem with letting New Hampshire and Iowa go first

On February 3, 2020, Joe Biden got only 15% of the vote in the Iowa Caucuses. On February 11, 2020, Biden only got 8% of the vote in the New Hampshire Primary. But on February 29, 2020, Biden won the South Carolina primary with 49% of the vote.

The reason Biden did so poorly in Iowa and New Hampshire is that both states require candidates to interact directly with the voters. Sadly, Biden has trouble speaking coherently in public. Meanwhile in South Carolina, voters are more influenced by million dollar TV ad campaigns.

The ability to campaign with million dollar TV ads rather than being forced to interact directly with the voters is the real reason Biden wants South Carolina to go first in 2024.

The DNC opens Pandora’s Box

For more than 100 years, the New Hampshire Primary was the first primary in every Presidential Election cycle. 50 years ago, the Iowa Caucuses became the first caucuses in every Presidential cycle. Both New Hampshire and Iowa State laws require these processes. In 2022, the Republican National Committee (RNC) voted to honor this traditional calendar of Primaries for the 2024 election.

However, in February 2023, at the request of Joe Biden, the DNC voted to move the South Carolina Primary ahead of both New Hampshire and Iowa.

In addition, the DNC voted to blackmail both States and Presidential candidates by imposing severe penalties on Iowa, New Hampshire or any Presidential candidate who did not comply with the new DNC rigging of the Primary Calendar.

In response, both the Iowa and New Hampshire State legislatures made it clear that they will not comply with the DNC rule change. Iowa made it clear they will move up the Iowa Caucuses to mid-January and New Hampshire made it clear they will move their Primary up to mid-January to maintain their state law and 100 years of tradition that they be the first primary in the nation.

Robert Kennedy Jr. has also indicated that he will not comply with the DNC Primary Calendar Rigging. He has opened a campaign office in New Hampshire. In fact, the only Democratic Presidential candidate who has pledged to comply with the DNC Primary Calendar RIgging is Joe Biden – the person who demanded the Calendar rigging in the first place. Complying with the new DNC rule that he not campaign in New Hampshire or Iowa gives Biden an excuse to avoid two States where he averaged only 12% of the vote in 2020.

The Republican National Committee issued this statement after the DNC voted to rig the 2024 Primary calendar:

“The DNC has decided to break a half century precedent and cause chaos by altering their primary process, and ultimately abandoning millions of Americans in Iowa and New Hampshire.”

The net effect of this DNC war against Iowa and New Hampshire is that millions of declared Democratic voters in Iowa and New Hampshire, who have no choice but to comply with the laws of Iowa and New Hampshire, will be deprived of their right to have a say in the selection of the Democratic Party nominee. The fact that these Democrats voted against Biden in 2020 should not deprive them of having a role in the 2024 Presidential Primary.

The DNC claims that the Supreme Court ruling in Democratic Party v. Wisconsin (1981) gives them a blank check to arbitrarily change any rules in whatever manner they want. Indeed, leaders of the DNC boast that this is just the beginning. They have even more rule changes planned for the 2028 Presidential election!

The chaos that would ensue by allowing the DNC to blackmail even more States would only further rig future elections and prevent any kind of meaningful change. In short, giving the DNC a blank check to alter election processes, in violation of state laws, and allowing the DNC to disenfranchise millions of additional Democrats would spell the end of our democracy.

DNC Plan to Rig the 2024 Election Part 3 Rigging Ballot Access

David Spring M. Ed.

Disclaimer The opinions expressed in this article - and all of my other articles on DNC rigging of the 2024 election - are strictly my own. While I am not an attorney, I believe that the US Constitution is plainly written and should be read and defended by all Americans. In addition, Supreme Court rulings that interpret the US Constitution are publicly posted online and are available for anyone to read.

The issues of DNC rigging Presidential Candidate Ballot Access and DNC rigging National Delegate Selection and DNC rigging of the State Primary calendar are not merely about the Kennedy campaign. DNC rules that disenfranchise millions of voters must be opposed by all of us who care about the future of our democracy.


Elections that are free and fair and fully open to all candidates and all voters are the foundation of our democracy.

DNC Rigging the 2024 Election – Part 3 Background

In June 2023, the Democratic National Committee approved 50 State Plans which describe the process for determining the 2024 Democratic Party Presidential Nominee. Many plans include rule changes that have the effect of rigging the 2024 election in favor of the DNC preferred candidate over any potential Reform candidates.

In our first article on DNC rigging, we exposed the DNC rule change which eliminated the Precinct Caucuses in Washington State. In 2016, these local caucuses were used to elect delegates for Bernie Sanders. Eliminating precinct caucuses effectively disenfranchises millions of Democratic voters in the Delegate Selection process.

In our second article, we exposed the DNC rigging of the Primary calendar which ignored long standing election laws of New Hampshire and Iowa. This rule change effectively disenfranchises millions of Democratic voters in Iowa and New Hampshire. Our second article included a summary of the Supreme Court ruling called Democratic Party v Wisconsin. We explained that this ruling merely applied to the DNC right to restrict cross over voting. It did not give the DNC a blank check to disenfranchise millions of voters.


In this article, we will examine arbitrary and draconian ballot access restrictions imposed by many of the DNC State Plans. These restrictions disenfranchise millions of voters by preventing their preferred “reform” candidate from even appearing on the Presidential Primary ballot. We contend that DNC rigging of Precinct caucuses, rigging of the Primary Calendar and rigging of Ballot access are all violations of the rights of voters and rights of candidates guaranteed by the First, Fourteenth and Twenty Fourth Amendments. We will therefore begin with a review of these voting rights as outlined in the 1966 Harper v. Virginia Supreme Court decision and the 2020 Yang c Kellner Ballot Access ruling. We will then take a close look at how some DNC State Ballot Access restrictions violate the rights of voters, as well as the rights of Presidential and Delegate candidates.

DNC Plan to Rig the 2024 Election Part 4 Why DNC Super Delegates are Unconstitutional

David Spring M. Ed.

Disclaimer The opinions expressed in this article - and all of my other articles on DNC rigging of the 2024 election - are strictly my own. While I am not an attorney, I believe that the US Constitution is plainly written and should be read and defended by all Americans. In addition, Supreme Court rulings that interpret the US Constitution are publicly posted online and are available for anyone to read.

Overview of the DNC Super Delegate Bribery and Kickback Money Laundering Scheme

The first step in achieving justice is making injustice visible.
Mahatma Gandhi

In my three previous reports, I summarized how the DNC has rigged the Delegate Selection process, rigged the State Primary calendar and rigged the Ballot Access rules. I provided evidence that all of these DNC rule changes violate not only the ballot access rights of Presidential candidates but also the voting rights of millions of Democrats.

In this 4th report, we will look at the underlying cause of DNC election rigging – which is the corrupting influence of DNC Super Delegates. Super delegates are delegates who are not “pledged” to support a particular candidate. While they can support any candidate, in fact they typically rubber stamp the DNC Preferred candidate.


We will look at how 75 special “At Large” Super Delegates – corporate lobbyists - appointed by Joe Biden rather than elected by their state party - use billions of dollars in bribes to control hundreds of Party Leader and Elected Official Super Delegates (also known as PLEO Super delegates). We will then explain why DNC Super Delegates are a fundamental violation of the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment and the Voting Rights Act also known as the 24th Amendment by violating the One Person One Vote rule.

We should begin with three important points. The first point is that the Republican Party does not use Super Delegates. Only the Democratic Party uses Super Delegates. While DNC Super Delegates have been a corrupting influence in the Democratic Party since they were invented in the 1980’s, the 75 At Large corporate lobbyists Super Delegates have only recently completely taken over the DNC – thanks to the 2010 Citizens United Supreme Court Ruling - which opened up the flood gates of corporate bribery by declaring that corporations have the same right as people and money is the same as speech. Citizens United legalized corporate bribery.